Raven and Bruni's Dog House Page



Don't beg, just help yourself to the buffet.
The hero is Italian on the left end and American on the right.

No, that isn't a description of the photo, although that is an Italian on the left.  I'm Raven (all black, all German Sheppard), the good looking one on the lower right, showing you who has the manners in the family.

This is Bruni, my little sister (adopted of course).

Don't let that innocent, mutt look fool you.  She's a natural born killer.  When John said she was first joining us, he told me we were getting a "Mallomar."  I assumed we were getting a box of those chocolate covered marshmallow cookies.

I've since adjusted to occasionally sharing with her, even allowing her to sleep on the bed some nights.  But John is taking up too much room in the bed, and sometimes talks in his sleep and snuggles up too much.

Actually, they are both a lot of work and my days are busy with training them, feeding them, and smelling them to find out where they've been.

Personal information:

Raven - Chasing Cats
Bruni:  - Chasing Squirrels
John:   - Chasing Skirts

Raven - Long bones
Bruni   - Long sticks
John    - Long legs

How about sending some fan mail to us c/o:  Jsdog@aol.com

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Paw graphics courtesy of... Karawynn

Last updated:  October 16, 1996 16:30 EST