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Culture Vikings and Pillaging Language Swedish Homepages Worth Visiting Lost 


Q. What do vegetarian cannibals eat?
A.  Swedes

The Xenophobe's Guide to the Swedes  The most important book you can get your hands on if you want to understand the Swedish persona. Why spend years trying to figure out their complicated ritual of toasting (skål!)? For only $6.50, ex-patriot Peter Berlin sells out his fellow Swedes' best kept secrets. We definitely need the edge.

Mini Cams of Sweden  Strictly for voyeurs. Why take my word for it? See for yourself that it is light here while you are still in the dark.

The Nobel Foundation  See if you are a candidate this year.


Vikings and Pillaging:

Vikings  Reminisce about the Good 'Ol Days.

Gorm The Wired Viking  Good guide to the gods, a proverb factory, a Viking namer in case you are expecting, and lots of Gorm wisdom.



The Zen of Swedish or Sweedish the E-Z Way, Learning a language should not be complicated. Here's my way of making the transition a little more fun.

Need a quick translation? Lingo24 has a good online translation page with detailed usage examples:
English to Swedish
Swedish to English

Lexin's Swedish-English dictionary, with usage examples.

Alternative Swedish - Bork Bork Bork!  The Dialectizer is an online text translator from any language to the Muppets' own Swedish Chef's special dialect. Also translates to Redneck, Jive, Cockney, Elmer Fudd, Moron, Pig Latin, and Hacker.

Swedish Idioms in Painfully Literal Translation  For language geeks.


Swedish Homepages Worth Visiting:

Homepage of Janne  THE BEST Swedish or English homepage. R.I.P.

Magnus' Page of Wonders  New Media mini-series style homepage, definitely worth getting lost in. Rated W (Weird). Possibly a clone of Janne; ongoing research.

Lassie Björklund His incredible animated graphics and music from his band.


Lost Americans, link here:

U.S. Embassy Stockholm Home Page. Your American tax dollars at work.  Their site is actually quite informative.

American Citizens Abroad - Sweden.  Benefit from the experiences of others and save yourself a lot of time.  By becoming an ACA member, you'll make good contacts and get a newsletter well worth reading.

Amerikanska.  Nice site for Americans living in or planning on moving to Sweden.


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