Welcome Paperphiles
Origami Diagrams - Diagrams of model in PDF format and links to others.
Origami Videos - Easy-to-follow instructional videos I've created and links to the best instructional or funny origami videos on the
Galleries - Photos of models I enjoyed folding, photos from origami conventions, and from my local Long Island, NY OUSA club, LIFE.
Paper Plates - Licensed folders having Origami License plates from around the country (and someday the world...)
Paper Cuts - Artistic outlets for paperphiles.
Paper Tips - If you're new to folding or have run out of paper, you might find this section helpful.
Surf Links - Origami Surfing Online - the best-of Websites I've come across.
Surf Books - Origami Surfing Online - books I recommend.
About Me - The usual who-am-I stuff and contact info.
The Marigami Origami Shop - Origami T-shirts, mugs, and fun stuff for that special folder in your life.
Yami's Corner - Origami by Yami Yamauchi. Articles, diagrams, videos and more, this is Yami's special place.